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superfit test families conditions of participation

Conditions of participation and privacy policy for the "superfit test family”

1. Organizer

The superfit test family campaign is organised by Legero united digital GmbH, Legero-United-Straße 4, 8073 Graz (hereafter referred to as "we/us").

The shoe tester campaign is not affiliated with Facebook and is in no way sponsored, supported or organised by Facebook. Questions, comments or complaints regarding this campaign should not be directed to Facebook, but directly to the organiser. The collected data will not be forwarded to Facebook.

By participating in the campaign, the user accepts the conditions of participation and privacy policy.

2. Participation in the test campaign

2.1. Procedure of the campaign

The online registration is available at

a) Application phase

The application phase is now open for an indefinite period. For the next draw, applications received by 23.59 on 31.12.2024 will be considered or a successful application, name, e-mail address and the gender of the children must be provided during the application phase. A maximum of four children can be registered per family. To complete the application, the conditions of participation and privacy policy must be accepted.

b) Selection of participants

At the end of the application phase, exclusive superfit test families will be selected within four weeks from all applicants who have effectively registered for the test campaign according to these conditions of participation. The selection is subject to the random principle. The selection of the superfit test families is made to the exclusion of the public and without the possibility of recourse to legal action.

c) Procedure of the campaign

The selected test families will be notified via the specified e-mail.

After receiving the superfit test shoes, the testers must test the shoes for a period of at least 2 months.

d) Questionnaire

The test families are asked to fill out a questionnaire after the defined test phase if necessary. The questionnaire must be completed in full for the purpose of concluding the test campaign.

e) Documentation

After receiving the shoes, participants must send at least three pieces of content (text/photo/video) via e-mail tohelp_at@superfit.comor publish them on social media with the hashtag #superfittestfamilie over a period of 3 months. This content must be directly related to the pair of shoes received and the participant's own use of them. Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH is free to use the content uploaded with the hashtag #superfittestfamilie for advertising purposes.

2.2. Test packages

The selected superfit test families will be sent suitable models for testing depending on the gender and shoe size of the children. For organisational reasons, it may not be possible to respond to the participants' model requests.

2.3. Announcement of participation and dispatch

All selected participants will be notified after the selection via the email address provided during registration. If the notification of participation cannot be sent for reasons which lie in the person of the participant (information of an incorrect e-mail address etc.), the acceptance expires within one week and a new participant will be selected in their place from the remaining participants. The same applies if the test pair cannot be sent within two weeks of the date of dispatch for reasons attributable to the participant (incorrect postal address, etc.) In such cases these conditions of participation continue to apply.

Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH is not liable for a late arrival of the test packages by the participant or for a loss of test pairs during mailing process. The right to participate is not transferable. A cash redemption or an exchange of the test pair is not possible. The participants are responsible for the correctness of the contact details provided. Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH reserves the right to independently select the shoe model provided for the test campaign.

2.4. Participation

All persons with unlimited legal capacity who are at least 18 years of age at the time of participation are entitled to participate. Test packages will not be sent to minors who nevertheless participate. Employees of Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH and its subsidiaries, the agency involved and all persons involved in the conception and implementation of the test campaign are excluded from participation. Also excluded are their first and second degree relatives as well as partners in a marriage-like community. Each person may only register once for participation in the test campaign.

Participation is only possible online. By accepting the conditions of participation and the privacy policy the participants confirm the correctness and completeness of the information they have provided. Participation is free of charge with the exception of transmission costs, which may be incurred according to the rates from the participant’s mobile phone or internet provider of choice. Participation in this test campaign is not dependent on the purchase of goods or services.

Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH is entitled to exclude individual persons from participation if there are justified reasons, e.g. violation of the conditions of participation, (attempted) manipulation, etc., and reserves the right to take legal action. If the prerequisites for exclusion are met, test packages can also be subsequently withdrawn or recalled. The exclusion does not result in any legal claims of the participants against Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH or the agency.

Decisive for the timely participation is the receipt of the registration as recorded by the database on which the application is based. Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH and the agency are not liable for the late or incomplete receipt of the registration and cannot be held responsible in particular for technical faults, e.g. for failures of the telephone network, the network, electronics or computers. Furthermore, Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH is entitled to contact the participants via the e-mail address provided by them during registration and to remind them of the fulfilment of the conditions mentioned under 2.1. c) as well as d). This is not bound to a loss of the test packages. Participation via a service provider, particularly a competition entry service / competition service, is not permitted. The same also applies to competition clubs, automated participation via competition robots, intentionally providing false information, and participation with a so-called "throwaway email address".

3. Cancellation of the test campaign

Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH reserves the right to cancel the test campaign for important reasons. A cancellation for an important reason can occur in particular if a proper execution of the test campaign can no longer be guaranteed for technical or legal reasons.

4. Data processing

If you participate in the superfit test campaign, we will process your personal data to the extent described below.The data will be stored electronically.

The participants will be notified by legero united digital.Your personal data that becomes known during your participation in the superfit test campaign will be treated with absolute confidentiality.The results of the questionnaire are for internal use only and will not be passed on to third parties.

In order to participate in our test campaign, the following data must be provided: Salutation, first name, surname, e-mail address, country, gender of at least one of your children, confirmation that you accept the conditions of participation, confirmation that you have reached the age of 18. If you do not provide this information, you will not be able to participate in the test campaign. The disclosure of additional data is not required for participation and is voluntary.

5. The purpose of the legal basis of the data processing

The data processing is based on the fact that it is necessary for the mutual fulfilment of the obligations arising from the test campaign. (Article 6 paragraph 1 lit b GDPR)

5.1 Execution of the test campaign

If you participate in this test campaign, we will process your personal data in order to carry out the test campaign. Your personal data will be processed for this purpose, among other things, to select winners, to notify them and to ensure that each participant takes part in the test campaign only once. This data processing is based on the fact that this data processing is necessary to enable us to carry out the test campaign (Article 6 paragraph 1 lit b GDPR).

5.2 Evaluation of the questionnaires

If you win in our test campaign, you will have to fill in a questionnaire after the test phase (see point 2.1 above). We will evaluate these questionnaires and combine the results into anonymous studies, which we will use to improve our products and services. This data processing is based on the fact that it is necessary for the mutual fulfilment of the contract in connection with the test campaign (Article 6 paragraph 1 lit b GDPR).

5.3 Use of uploaded images of the winners for marketing purposes

If you win in our test campaign, you will have to upload content related to the test shoes you have received in social media after the test phase (see in more detail point 2.1 above). We will process this content for marketing purposes (this includes in particular sharing this content via our social media profiles). This data processing is based on the fact that it is necessary for the mutual fulfilment of the obligations arising from the test campaign (Article 6 paragraph 1 lit b GDPR).

5.4 Communication and marketing

If you participate in this test campaign, we will process your personal data to send you newsletters with news about our products. This data processing is based on our legitimate interest in informing you about our products and campaigns (Art 6 Paragraph 1 lit f GDPR). You can object to such mailings at any time by clicking on the link contained in each mailing or by informing us by e-mail ( that you no longer wish to receive the newsletter.

5.5 Traffic and usage data

We use the traffic and usage data that you generate by using the superfit website to improve the performance of our website and to identify problem areas. This data processing is based on our legitimate interest in improving performance and identifying problem areas (Art 6 para. 1 lit f GDPR). Your personal data will be anonymised immediately for this purpose.

5.6 Duty to retain data and legal claims

In addition, we will keep your personal data that you have provided to us, insofar as we are legally obliged to keep it. This data processing is based on this legal obligation (Art 6 Paragraph 1 lit c GDPR). Finally, we will store and process your personal data for as long and as far as this is necessary to defend against or enforce (potential/threatening) legal claims. This data processing is based on our legitimate interest in the enforcement of/defence against legal claims (Art 6 para. 1 lit f GDPR).

6. Transfer of data to third parties

In any case, we only pass on your data to third parties if this is necessary for the provision of our services. If you win, we will, for example, pass on your address data to a transport and logistics company.

In addition, in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of our working environment, we involve IT service providers and occupational health inspection service providers as well as marketing service providers for the purpose of sending marketing material as contract processors. Your personal data may also be made available to these companies.

In addition, we will only disclose your personal data to legal representatives, authorities and courts if this is necessary to enforce or defend against possible (threatened/potential) legal claims or if we are legally obliged to do so or if we are ordered to do so by court order or administrative decision.

We do not transfer any personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area without obtaining your prior consent (which you may revoke at any time).

7. Storage of personal data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as we reasonably believe it is necessary to achieve the above purposes and as permitted by applicable law. In any event, we will store your personal data for as long as statutory storage obligations exist or the limitation periods for potential legal claims have not yet expired. We will keep your data longer than the deletion period if and as long as we need it to enforce or defend against specific legal claims.

8. Newsletter

If you take part in a superfit competition, we will inform you regularly (maximum once a week) about our products and offers of our brands superfit, legero and Think! You have the possibility to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. You will find detailed information about this in the newsletter itself. However, you can also use the contact address below to refuse to receive any further newsletters.

9. Cookies

We use cookies to enable the use of certain functions. These are small text files that are stored on your device and serve to collect and store statistical information and are sometimes necessary for certain website functions (e.g. the offer of a shopping cart in the web shop). Some of the cookies used by us are deleted after the end of the browser session, i.e. after closing your browser (so-called session cookies). Others remain on your device and enable us to recognise your browser on your next visit (permanent cookies). You can see the duration of permanent cookies in your browser settings.

By means of the cookies set on your device, we determine statistical data to improve the performance of our website, identify problem areas and thus offer you the best possible customer experience. We will never link this statistical information to any other data and will not associate it with any identified or identifiable individuals. The statistical data will only be evaluated in anonymised form. This data processing is based on our legitimate interest in improving our website and solving problems with the website (Art 6 Paragraph 1 lit f GDPR).

Of course, you can set your browser settings to inform you when cookies are set, and you can individually or generally exclude their acceptance. You will find more detailed information on this in the user instructions for your browser. If cookies are not accepted, the functionality of the websites may therefore be restricted.

10. Protection of privacy

Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH undertakes to protect the privacy of the participants and assures that the data is processed in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation and the Austrian Data Protection Act.

11. Consent

By participating in this test campaign or registering, the participant expressly accepts these conditions of participation and acknowledges the processing of his personal data as described.

This consent can be withdrawn at any time by letter to legero united digital GmbH, Legero-United-Straße 4 8073 Feldkirchen near Graz, Austria or by e-mail to, in which case further participation in the test campaign is no longer possible.

12. Your right to information, correction, revocation, contradiction, deletion, data transferability and complaint

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right (i) to know whether and which personal data we have stored about you and to receive copies of these data (Art 15 GDPR) (ii) to demand that we correct, supplement or delete your personal data if they are incorrect or are not processed in accordance with the law (Art 16, 17 GDPR) (iii) to demand, that we restrict the processing of your personal data (Art. 18 GDPR), (iv) under certain circumstances, to receive your data in a structured, common and machine-readable format or to transmit it to a third party (right to data transferability, Art. 20 GDPR) and (v) under certain circumstances, to object to the processing of your personal data (Art. 21 GDPR). If you wish to exercise one or more of these rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority (for contact details see if you believe that your data protection rights have been violated.

Responsible for the processing of your data is:

legero united digital GmbH

Legero-United-Strasse 4

8073 Feldkirchen bei Graz

E-mail to

Phone to +43 316 429 100

Fax to +43 316 429 100-49

If you have any questions about your rights as a data subject of the data processing, you can contact us at any time at the contact address given above.

13. Declaration of distance

The shoe tester campaign is not affiliated with Facebook and is in no way sponsored, supported or organised by Facebook. Facebook is not responsible for any content published as part of this campaign.

The recipient of the information provided by the participant is not Facebook, but Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH and the agency. Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH releases Facebook from any claims of third parties in connection with this test campaign.

14. Final provisions

Recourse to the courts is not permitted. All questions, comments or complaints regarding the campaign should not be directed to Facebook, but directly to legero united digital GmbH: