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to the magical world of superfriends

Immerse yourself in the colourful world of superfriends. Go on a journey of discovery and get to know our animal friends and their favourite shoes. Find creative colouring and craft templates, solve exciting puzzles and discover fascinating facts about their world.

Hello, I'm Ella the unicorn

I live in magical forests, surrounded by crystal-clear rivers and lakes. I especially like collecting stardust and practising new spells, braiding pigtails and going on magical adventures with my friends. My favourite food is rainbow pudding with glitter sprinkles, because it's simply delicious!

Would you like to paint me as colourful as my hair?
You can find a colouring template of me here:

colouring template downloaden

Go on a journey of discovery with Ella and see where she is at home.

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Discover the superfriends' favourite shoes

The superfriends think superfit children's shoes are super cool! Why?

Because they are specially made for children's feet and because they always fit perfectly. The superfriends know that children's feet grow healthily in superfit shoes. And they love them because they fit all adventures, no matter where.

There's a favourite shoe for every boy and girl.

Hey, I'm Harry the shark

I live on the most beautiful reef, surrounded by countless colourful fish and corals. My favourite film is definitely ‘Finding Nemo’, because my cousin Bruce is in it! I love swimming super fast, riding waves and scaring people. I also like deep dives where I can explore the seabed. What I don't like at all is plastic rubbish in the sea - it really sucks!

Sharks - the kings of the seas.

Sharks are older than dinosaurs and have been living in our oceans for around 400 million years - that's 100 million years before the first dinosaurs. Depending on the species, sharks live to different ages. Small bamboo sharks live for around 25 years, while Greenland sharks can live for several hundred years.

There are around 500 species of shark, from tiny dwarf sharks to huge whale sharks. Well-known species are the great white shark and the hammerhead shark, but there are also unusual ones such as the chocolate shark and the lemon shark.

Get creative with our superfriends!

Let your imagination run wild and design your own works of art with our colouring and craft templates. There are also exciting puzzles waiting for you.